
Lionhearted Libby


Dime novel fan and St. Louis heiress Libby Parminter will receive her huge dowry when she turns 21 in three weeks or marries, if she can evade her deadly stepfather and nefarious almost-fiancé that long. In desperation, she heads west. Can her real father in Montana and his handsome but arrogant young foreman Garrett Winslow save her from the impending danger?

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St. Louis, Missouri, 1872

Barely hearing the rustle of petticoats beneath her silk gown, Libby Parminter wondered if the entire household could hear the thud of her heart as she slowly descended the winding staircase. She slid her hand lightly along the polished mahogany banister, yearning to be almost anywhere else. She wanted to run and not stop running until she joined up with the heroine of Fort Laramie, the fearless maid of Wyoming or another of the intrepid women in her prized dime novels.

Only two weeks ago, Susan B. Anthony had been fined for the audacity of trying to vote. The crusader was risking condemnation and abuse to give women more control over their lives and more opportunities and here Libby was afraid to meet her own father. She stopped a few steps from the bottom and took a deep breath. Courage. Maybe Libby wasn’t changing the world, but surely she could face one man.

Later, when she looked back on that sultry June day, she could see not the slightest hint of the cataclysmic sequence of events that would follow. At the time, she had no idea why Papa would summon her to his decidedly male and … Buy Now


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