Independent Books

Back in the day when my boys were little whippersnappers, I wrote about what I knew best—pregnancy, raising children, school days, etc. I never could have gotten through those days with a semblance of sanity without humor.

My first three books have long since been out of print, although you may still find used copies on Amazon, sometimes at exorbitant prices. My first book, Letters from a Pregnant Coward, became sort of a cult classic. When I got the first copy in the mail, I was so excited I wanted to rub it all over my naked body. That book only sold about 10,000 copies, but they couldn’t have all been my relatives. It’s the story of a somewhat anxious mother-to-be’s first pregnancy, told in letters to family and friends over the course of the pregnancy. I got fan letters for years after that book came out, and one mean letter, from a woman who said I ruined her pregnancy because she was afraid of her baby being gay.

The Dictionary According to Mommy is self-explanatory. It describes my own version of definitions, such as: sex drive – when you go for a ride in the car to fool around because there’s no privacy at home. What You Don’t Know About Having Babies offers my take on that subject through a Q&A format. Example: Q. PLEASE SETTLE AN ARGUMENT I’M HAVING WITH MY SISTER. CAN A MOTHER GET PREGNANT WHILE NURSING HER BABY? A. Yes, but it’s much easier if she removes the baby from her breast first.

I also wrote a great deal of children’s poetry, published in anthologies, most, if not allstill available on Amazon and other sites in print and e-book formats. Those books include Kids Pick the Funniest Poems, Miles of Smiles, A Bad Case of the Giggle, and Sisters.

The above were my forays into traditional publishing. It was an enlightening experience I wouldn’t trade for anything, but I don’t believe I’d go back on that road again. I like the freedom and control of e-publishing too much.